
Townsville City Council – Waste Services

Townsville City Council’s Waste Services commissioned Tropical Energy Solutions to conduct a Level 2 Energy Audit of its Bamford Lane, Stuart, Hervey Range and Jensen facilities.

These sites had a combined energy consumption of over 614,000 kWh, costing $126,000, and were responsible for 547,000 kg/CO2 emissions over a 10 month period. 530 individual loads were identified and analysed for cost and energy saving opportunities.

Energy savings opportunities identified by Tropical Energy Solutions have the potential to reduce Townsville City Councils energy consumption by 85,000 kWh each year, which is estimated to save our client $19,000 and prevent 8,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year.

The implementation cost of these recommendations was calculated to be $13,400, providing a payback period of 8 months.